"To what extent did cultural and social particularities inform and shape the visual language and reputations of Swiss and American modernist graphic design of the mid-20th century.
In the future of graphic design will distinct regional design styles remain in the face of globalisation?"
Rationale _
It will be really interesting for me personally to investigate these 'stereotypes' we have of countries and their industry, design and society. For example German functionalism and engineering, Swiss reliability, English wit and so on and in the same respect how the modernist design styles of Europe and America gained their reputation and visual languages. Paying specific attention to the Swiss style and American consumer driven graphic design movement in the mid 20th century.
This is turn will transition into the modern day and the effects of the comptuer on design which is an investigation I still wanted to look into but this time it's not on the process but on the idea of inspiration and collaboration, what are the pros and cons of the computer and globalisation in terms of regionalised and local design styles and sensibilities. Do they still exist when modern designers like me have the world at their fingertips? Hopefully by the end I'll be able to sort of hypothesise the future of graphic design in terms of styles, trends and in terms of visuals and intentions.
After much deliberation and not doing any favours for myself here is the final and finished proposal form laying down the plan of action in terms of research - I've found it very difficult to pick a research topic even though I've done a lot of reading and research into possible avenues of research sine deciding to change my research idea as previously mentioned in an earlier post.
I was worrying too much about the end result and wanted the research to be perfectly organised and planned out, basically writing my dissertation title out right now, I thought this was what was asked of us so I think I was way too precious about it all. It took a while to realise just to take a step back and go with it, I'm very happy with my research topic now and comfortable with it in terms of visual experiments and projects too.
It's an extension of COP2 and taking it in a different direction, I wanted to capitalise on COP2 as it was so educational and helpful to me as a graphic designer, I produced probably one of my strongest projects I've done yet. Onwards and upwards! I really should have done this proposal form earlier as it allows you to crystallise and focus down thoughts and ideas and I already feel much more focused and confident in terms of research.
Below _ PDF version of proposal form.
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