I've recreated the same Pentax but in a Japanese modernist filter, I've again tried to apply conclusions and 'habits' of Japanese design of the 60's onto this design.
I've used an odd number grid, 9 by 13, the posters for Japanese design often are heavily weighted at the bottom as this is with a chunk of type on there,
Japanese posters were/areh often more image based with the image taking more prominence, I've tried to illustrate a camera lens in a fairly abstract way, and it also looks a little like a human eye so it immediately captures your attention.
Although type is predominatly sans-serif, some serif type in the form of Bodoni has sneaked in here as they sometimes did on Japanese design, hierarchy is through size of type, more so than European design which relied on less differences in pt size and more subtle differences in weight for a type hierarchy. Upper and Lowercase is also mixed for hierarchy, generally it's just a lot more loose than European design sometimes, as this example is.
This will be a 3 colour print on yellow stock. I'm fairly happy with it, it proved to be a little difficult, more so than the European to work on as the style is still so new to me.
Print ready version, this will be printed right onto yellow stock to give the required look, although I quite like it in white too.
The illustration is meant to represent the lens of a camera, almost watching you with the central focus looking almost like an eyeball. The text wrapped around the circle is a small reference
Some close ups of the type treatment.
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