Here are 5 that I like:
Henry Rollins 1981 Black Flag photo by Glen E. Friedman
Really captures the intensity of Henry Rollins as a frontman, it was also converted into a trademark style print by Shepard Fairey for his 50th birthday.
Photography by Joeri Bosma
Really like the simplicity and creativity of it. Weird how he nearly just blends into the sky and the sea, with only his shorts and his head sticking out abit. Cool how the horizon is perfectly inline with the wet half of his shirt. Cool.
Inception Chair by Vivian Chu. I'm not sure about this, I don't know if i find the IMAGE 'aeshetically pleasing', I think the object inside it is cool and clever, and not really aesthetically pleasing. It's not something I'd have in my house as something that makes me happy, it's something I appreciate as somewhat of an achievement.
Zonoscope album cover by Tsonehisa Kimura (2011). Won the Artisan Award for Best Cover Art.
Tommie Smith and John Carlos
The two U.S. athletes received their medals shoeless, but wearing black socks, to represent black poverty. Smith wore a black scarf around his neck to represent black pride, Carlos had his tracksuit top unzipped to show solidarity with all blue collar workers in the U.S. and wore a necklace of beads which he described "were for those individuals that were lynched, or killed and that no-one said a prayer for, that were hung and tarred. It was for those thrown off the side of the boats in the middle passage."
I really like what this photo represents. It shows two african american athletes at the top of their profession and in a moment of glory, amidst all the black rights movement and struggling in America at the time in the 60s. The way they raise their hands and look down holds alot of power and I just think it's a really powerful photo that probably rang home with alot of people.
Timothy Cyrus photography.
Really into patterns and I love how it captures the intricacy and concentration.
Nike Sky Force 88's Retro
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