The more you find out, the better + more informed your research and in turn your design process and work will be
The more you put in, the more you get out
Set myself tasks of inquiry. Be more independent.
Time - management, don't work at silly times. It's a result of crap time management mostly. No one including the course tutors want you to have no sleep and be stressed out.
Research informs your work and is one with your work
Last minute stuff is missing the point, meant to be a sustained process. Benefits your work and benefits you.
Fail, fail again, fail better.
In questioning how something failed, you can start to see how something would work.
>Stimulated approach
>Systematic appproach
>Intuitive approach
Strategies for thinking through a problem
Phase 1 Assimilation
-relevant info e.g. mood board
Phase 2 General Study
The study and investigation into problem
Phase 3 Development
Refinement + tentative solutions
Phase 4 - Communication - Communication
Communication of one or more solutions to people either inside or outside the design team.
Research is finding out by asking the questions. How? Why? What if?
It's ok to be inspired by people. Asking Qs isn't a sign of ignorance. Right Qs at right times is sign of a good and informed designer.
Research is - finding out by asking the questions.
Always ask questions you never really "know" what they mean.
What is information
Information should be sufficient, competent, relevant and useful.
Why is research important
>Fulfills assessable outcomes
>It is essential to the informed generation of ideas and development
>It is what you get paid for
>10% is resolving and sending to print
>90% is resoving, testing and applying knowledge. Testing.
Key is to start anywhere. Your job is to add interest to a brief.
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