- Deforestation
- Increased heat waves/tropical storms/avalanches/typhoons/hurricans
- Heatwaves/deaths
- Polar bears and arctic animal suffering because of polar ice caps melting and distances they have to swim for ice to leverage onto.
- America is biggest contributor to global warming followed by EU
- America averages 5.6 tons of carbon emissions per person
- EU averages 2.4 tons of carbon emissions per person
- 5.47 billion metric tons of carbon emissions per country.
- "If a frog jumps into a bowl of boiling water, he senses the danger and jumps right out. If it jumps into lukewarm water, where you slowly turn it up, it'll just stay there as the temperature goes up. Until it's rescued!"
- Connecting the dots more quickly, before you realise it's too late.
- Out of 928 articles, zero disagreed that with the consensus that global consensus that greenhouse gases pollution has caused most of the warming of the last 50 years.
- "Repositioning global warming as theory. Rather than fact." MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE
- I don't think I want to scare too much, I want it to be placed in an ironic kind of commentary manner. In the same vain as The Simpson's like cartoon that was in An Inconvenient Truth
- US is lagging behind the rest of the world, especially the far east when it comes to building fuel efficient and low impact transport such as cars.
- "Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical and industrial know how to solve the carbon and climate problems..." - Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow. 2004.
- Use more efficient electricity appliances.
- Stamp below a stamp?
- Scenario and solution underneath it?
- The 10 hottest years on record have happened in the last 14 years
- http://www.climatecrisis.net
- Reducing your carbon emissions
- Buy energy efficiently appliances and lightbulbs
- Change your thermostat (and use clock thermostats) to reduce energy for heating and cooling.
2003 heat wave in Europe, deaths:
France 15,000
Holland 1,400
Portugal 13,000
Italy 20,000
UK 900
Spain 100
- Increase in ocean temperatures from 1960's onwards
- stronger storms > Hurrican Katrina
- First ever hurricane in South Atlantic - Brazil 2004 March
Mount Kilimanjaro 1970 - 2000
Within the decade, there will be no more snow in Kilimanjaro
Glacier National Park - 1910 - 1988
Italian alps - then - now
Switzerland - then - now
South America 15 years ago - now
- Increase insulation
- Recycle
- Buy a hybrid car
- When you can, walk or ride a bicycle
- Where you can, use light rail and mass transit
- Switch to renewable sources of energy
- Plant trees, lots of trees.
- Learn as much as you can about the climate crisis. Then put your knowledge into action.
Glaciers breaking.
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