Some initial visual research into print material for MMA organisations and general fight leagues, on the whole I feel the strongest and most interesting are definitely the stuff from Japan, especially Pride FC's posters which I actually really like, the considered layout and use of space is really what sets theirs apart from other fighting organisations. There's already bad perceptions about MMA as "cagefighting" and having these heavy metal style posters really doesn't help, which is why I like Pride's almost peaceful and calming posters, they're not always like this though..
Pride FC made posters which I really like, the concepts are much more subtle and rely less on faces to sell the fights and are much more considered in type and layout, definitely inspiring in terms of visuals.
Really cool stuff from Dream too which as an organisation is basically just a second less successful stab at Pride FC in Japan. I love how creative and experimental they can get, especially for what is basically a prizefighting poster.
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